A Message from Head of Department
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

Programme Message

Industrial design is a discipline and profession that involves designing products, services, systems, and experiences with the aim of providing optimal solutions to human everyday needs. In the design processes that progress with a user-centric approach, functionality, comfort, aesthetics, efficiency, safety, technology, environmental, cultural, and ethical values are taken into consideration.

Industrial designers are creative professionals who work not only on the functionality and interaction features of products, services, and systems within the framework of technical and economic dimensions but also emphasize creativity, aesthetics, culture, environment, and efficiency. Aimed at developing permanent solutions to user problems, industrial designers in our department efficiently utilize the world's limited resources by accessing local knowledge, understanding user behaviors in the best way possible, and designing solutions based on the information they acquire, addressing changing needs over time. Given the necessity of interaction with various disciplines, including production and marketing, industrial designers can provide services in various sectors such as electric household appliances, automotive, medical, packaging, furniture, and transportation.

The design studio courses, which constitute the cornerstone of design education in our department, are strongly supported by other theoretical and applied courses. Throughout their four-year design education, our students take courses that combine comprehensive theoretical knowledge, such as ergonomics, user experience, semiotics, design theories, design history, materials and production methods, product development, and design management, with practical application to reinforce their skills. The model-making course conducted using the facilities of our department's model workshop, as well as the visualization and drawing courses conducted in well-equipped computer labs, enable our students to graduate with the competence to effectively present design processes and outputs through acquired visual communication skills.

As industrial designers can be active in various sectors, "Design Meetings" events are organized with the contributions of the department's academic staff, where designers from different sectors share their stories, provide information about the industry, and answer our students' questions, aiming to broaden our students' perspectives and introduce them to different sectors. The graduation project course, designed for industrial design students to rehearse professional life, allows them to experience a design process by collaborating with the industry.

There is a need for designers with a broad vision, openness to innovation, inquisitiveness, and a willingness to create value in our country and worldwide. We would be delighted to welcome you among us!


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Orkun ÖZÜER

Head of Department