Career Opportunities
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

Career Oppportunities

  1. Biomedical engineers may pursue a career in public and private hospitals as engineers responsible for the operation and maintenance of medical devices.
  2. They can also be employed in private sector especially in R&D centres for various purposes such as;
    • to design and manufacture medical devices such as pace maker, artificial heart valves, artificial organs, dialysis machines,
    • to design and establish the electronic and computer systems,
    • to monitor patients during surgery and intensive care, and to design and manufacture sensors for blood analysis,
    • to design and implement artificial intelligence systems that will support decisions to be made in clinical experiments,
    • to design and manufacture medical imaging systems such as ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, x-ray imaging and endoscopy, as well as to perform mathematical and computer models in order to analyse physiological systems such as cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, respiratory, and nervous quantitatively.