Programme Outcomes
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

Programme Outcomes

Students are expected to;

  1. Have sufficient knowledge on mathematics, science and related engineering branch. (MÜDEK i)
    1. Have knowledge of fundamental subjects of Mathematics
    2. Have knowledge of fundamental subjects of Physics and carry out experiments.
    3. Have knowledge of fundamental subjects of Chemistry and carry out experiments.
    4. Have knowledge of Discrete Mathematics, Formal Languages, Automata Theory and Computational Theory.
  2. Have the ability to use the theoretical and practical knowledge in complex engineering problems. (MÜDEK i)
    1. Define the complex engineering problems, analyse them, come up with a solution to them and apply the solutions to them with their knowledge of system analysis and design.
    2. Use knowledge of software developing processes for solving engineering problems.
    3. Use complex variables and discrete mathematics in their professional problems.
    4. Use their knowledge of physics in engineering problems.
  3. Have the ability to define the complex engineering problems, formulate and solve them; to this end, have the ability to decide and apply the analysis and modelling methods. (MÜDEK ii)
    1. Have the knowledge of computer organization, processor buses, microcontrollers, operating systems and computer networks; analyse and model them.
    2. Have sufficient knowledge of programming languages, flow charts, data structures and algorithms; model and develop algorithms for computer engineering problems.
    3. Have sufficient knowledge of database management systems, relational algebra and normalization; model and develop applications.
    4. Have sufficient knowledge of logic circuits and basic electronics; design and develop applications.
  4. Have the ability to develop a complex system, process, device or product under realistic circumstances and in a way that they meet fundamental requirements. (MÜDEK iii)
    1. Apply realistic constraints of the problems for the applications developed within the courses; model them accordingly.
    2. Take environmental problems, economic factors and issues on health, security, society and politics into consideration in the field of application.
    3. Design a computer system that will meet the demands; analyse it and make simulations.
  5. Have the ability to develop, choose and use the modern techniques and tools required for the analyses and solution of the complex problems faced in engineering applications. (MÜDEK iv)
    1. Choose and use report writing tools.
    2. Use OpenGL library.
    3. Use Open CV library.
    4. Search for simulation programmes, look through them and choose the most suitable one and use it.
    5. Make a search in software libraries, choose the most suitable one and use it.
  6. Have the ability to design an experiment, carry out an experiment, collect data, analyse the outcomes and evaluate them for the analyses of research topics of related field and complex engineering problems. (MÜDEK v)
    1. Use all their knowledge about machine learning in the processes of making observation, collecting data, analysing data set and developing hypothesis; analyse and evaluate the outcomes.
    2. Use all the knowledge about data mining in the processes of making observation, collecting data, analysing data set and developing hypothesis; analyse and evaluate the outcomes.
    3. Have the knowledge of programming of mobile devices; model and develop applications for mobile devices; analyse and evaluate the outcomes.
  7. Work effectively in intra-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary teams; take responsibility. (MÜDEK vi)
    1. Work effectively in teams during the lessons; take responsibility.
    2. Work effectively in the inter-disciplinary teams in their internship periods; take responsibility.
  8. Be aware of life-long learning; have the ability to reach information, follow the developments in science and technology fields and improve themselves constantly. (MÜDEK viii)
    1. Be aware of life-long learning; have the ability to reach information, follow the developments in science and technology fields and improve themselves constantly.
  9. Be at Advanced Level in European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) and use software as well as information and communication technologies. (MÜDEK iv)
    1. Use Office software.
    2. Have the ability to use computer at an advanced level.
  10. Have the ability to use Turkish language effectively, write and understand the written reports, prepare a design and production reports, make an effective presentation, give clear instruction and understand the instructions given. (MÜDEK vii)
    1. Attend group discussions.
    2. Deliver written reports.
    3. Make project presentations.
    4. Give clear instructions and understand them in group works.
  11. Know at least one foreign language at B1 level of European Language Portfolio; follow the developments in related fields and communicate with their foreign colleagues. (MÜDEK vii)
    1. Use English in written and verbally at least at B1 level of European Language Portfolio.
  12. Have the knowledge of standards used in engineering applications, behave according to the ethical values and have the consciousness of professional and ethical responsibilities. (MÜDEK ix)
    1. Behave according to ethical principles and have the consciousness of professional and ethical responsibilities.
    2. Have the knowledge of standards used in engineering applications.
  13. Have the knowledge of working life applications such as Quality Management, Project Management, risk management and change management; have an awareness of entrepreneurship and innovativeness. (MÜDEK x)
    1. Have the knowledge of project management.
    2. Have the knowledge of working life applications such as Quality Management, risk management, opportunity analysis and change management.
    3. Have the knowledge of entrepreneurship, innovativeness and sustainable development.
  14. Have the knowledge of problems of the time and the effect of engineering application upon health, environment and security at universal and social scale and their effect on engineering; have the awareness of legal outcomes of solutions of engineering fields. (MÜDEK xi)
    1. Have the knowledge of problems of the time and the effect of engineering application upon health, environment and security at universal and social scale and their effect on engineering; have the awareness of legal outcomes of solutions of engineering fields.
    2. Have consciousness of sufficient level on universality of social rights, social justice, cultural values, protecting environment, occupational health and safety.