A Message from Head of Department
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

A Message from Head of Department

Management Engineering is a science which designs, implements and/or improves models, processes and systems in organizations operating in different technological environments. This is realized by integrating the engineering relationship between the human component and planning, organizing, leading, controlling, production, research, marketing, finance and support functions/activities of the management. Management Engineers work on taking the discipline, application and processes of engineering and moving them into business management processes.

The main purpose of the Department of Management Engineering is to educate qualified individuals who can identify business problems; develop solutions to those problems which are efficient, economical and comply with the standards; take initiative, communicate; have awareness of lifelong learning, have sensitivity to the contemporary problems; have teamwork skills and engineering point of view.

Management Engineering education lasts four years. During the first two years, basic engineering courses such as physics and mathematics are given as well as the courses such as economy, accounting, statistics and those related with IT. In the third and fourth years, vocational courses become more important and these courses combine management and engineering in the fields of production, quality, project management, systems analysis, informatics, operations research, management, organization, human resources, law and finance.

Besides the compulsory courses, there are many elective courses in our curriculum. The students are encouraged to take elective courses from other departments in order to improve their interdisciplinary knowledge and understanding. To complete their Management Engineering education, students must successfully complete two summer internships in Production and Management fields, each of which lasts 20 days. Besides they also must complete graduation projects in their final years.  

Turkish is the medium of instruction. English preparatory school is optional.

Asst. Prof. Vedat Zeki YENEN
Head of Department