A Message from Head of Department
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

A Message from Head of Department

The main aim of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering is to give our students a strong background in science and engineering. This infrastructure provides the knowledge and skills that enable students to easily adapt to rapidly changing world and technology. Our advanced laboratories introduce students to the real world and enable them to test the theories they learn theoretically.

The curriculum of the Department of Electronic and Communication Engineering was updated in 2012-2013 Academic Year and it has been made to comply with BOLOGNA criteria in parallel with the distinguished universities of Turkey and the world.

Successful students of our department can do Minor or Double Major.

In addition to the "Electrical and Electronic Circuits", "Logic Circuits and Microprocessors", "Communication" Laboratories equipped with the latest digital measuring instruments and computers, there is also a "Project Laboratory" where students can make special projects and finishing projects. Here, printed circuit manufacturing, all kinds of soldering, assembly and mechanical works can be carried out. "Signal and Image Processing", "Optoelectronics" and "Antennas and Microwave" laboratories are in the planning stages.
The department has advanced measuring devices such as "Spectrum Analyser", "Frequency Counter" and "Signal Generator" which can work on microwave frequencies for further research and experiments besides standard instruments in training laboratories.

Beykent University, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering provides a modern engineering education with expert faculty members, laboratory and classroom facilities equipped with the latest technology.

Turkish is the medium of instruction. One year English preparatory school is optional.

Asst. Prof. Abdurrahman Umut Tüyel
Head of Department