We Are Istanbul - Entrepreneurship
We Are Istanbul - Entrepreneurship

International Logistics and Supply Chian Congress Program

20 October 2022

Kayıt 08:30-09:30
Session 1: openning 09:30-10:00Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arzum Özgen
Prof.Dr. Gülçin Büyüközkan, Head of Logistics Association (LODER)
Prof.Dr. Kazım Sarı, Beykent University  Vice Rector
Prof.Dr. Murat Ferman, Beykent University  Rector
Session 2:
Keynote Speaker
Prof.Dr. Peter Franke, Kiel University of Applied Sciences, Germany
 10:45-11:15 Coffe Break
Session 3:
Keynote Speakers
11:15-12:45 Dr. Canan Ölçer, Borusan Logistics Vice general Manager
Dr. Doğan Hasan, UnoPro Production and Consulting
 12:45-14:00 Lunch Break
Session 4:
Invited Speakers
14:00-15:30 Sustainable Digital Logistics
Moderator: Dr. İbrahim Uzpeder, Beykent University
Dr. Murat Baştor, General Manager (Transportation and Infrastructure Services Regulation- UAB Ulaştırma Hizmetleri Düzenleme Genel Müdürü )
Ayşem Ulusoy, Head of the Association of International Forwarding and Logistics Service Providers (UTİKAD Başkanı)
 15:30-16:00 Coffe Break
Session 5:16:00-17:30 Sustainable Digital Suppy Chain
Moderator: Prof.Dr. Mehmet Tanyaş, Maltepe University
Dr. Ayşegül Ketenci, Head of International Carreers Assoc. (UND)
Tayfun Namdar, Yıldız Holding Ülker Supply Chain Director
Doç. Dr. Arzum Özgen, Marmara University