We Are Istanbul - Entrepreneurship
We Are Istanbul - Entrepreneurship

Prof. Dr. Peter D. Franke (Kiel University-Germany)

Keynote Topic: Digitalization and Sustainability at Logistics

Peter Franke, Professor in Supply Chain Management at Kiel University of Applied Sciences, started his professional career in chemical trading with Degussa. After his postgraduate studies he joined ZLU, an international supply chain consulting firm, where he spent 6 years with a focus on strategic logistics issues delivering over 40 consulting projects in all sectors. He then became purchasing manager for Rolls-Royce Aerospace where he led projects to streamline the firm’s global strategic procurement processes.

Peter holds graduate and postgraduate degrees from the London School of Economics and a PhD from Berlin Institute of Technology. His research interests include sustainability and digitalization. He has managed several publicly financed research projects including the bestLog project which was one of the largest EU financed research projects in logistics.


Dr. Canan Ölçer Sağlam  (Borusan Logistics-Vice General Director)

Keynote Topic: Effects of Digitalization and Sustainability at Logistics

Dr. Canan Ölçer Sağlam is graduated from Besiktas Ataturk Anatolian High School. She became Industrial Engineer, B.Sc. from Yıldız Technical University at 1999. She completed her Industrial Engineering M.Sc. degree at Yıldız Technical University Institute of Science and Technology at 2001. While she started to work at private sector, she continued her education and graduated from Yıldız Technical University Science and Technology Institute with a Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering.

 She started her business life at Yıldız Technical University as a Research Assistant at 1999. Then she moved to Borusan Logistics as a Logistics Specialist at 2000. She held different roles during 22 years. Chronologically, 6 Sigma Black Belt, Warehouses Operations Manager, Manufacturing Logistics Group Manager, Supply Chain Solutions Group Manager, Consumer Goods and Automotive Sector Deputy General and now Contract Logistics Deputy General Manager. During those years she witnessed how a company become a Global Logistics firm from a Group oriented local logistic company. She is now responsible from the P&L of domestic operations - warehousing, network distribution, special distribution, e-com, automotive logistics, milk run and automotive distribution all around Turkey. She is also leading the digital transformation and sustainability projects. She is heading the Business Development, Operations, OPEX and Customer Service teams.

 On the other hand, Canan is part time lecturer at Bahçeşehir University since 2015. She is lecturing and leading thesis for MBA students. She likes to share her knowledge and experience with youth while teaching.

 She is married and having 14 years old twins.


Dr. Doğan Hasan (CEO - UnoPro Production & Consulting)

Keynote Topic: Industry 4.0 in Supply Chain Management

Dr. Doğan Hasan completed Industrial engineering PhD program of Yıldız Technical
University in 2008. He started his business life of 25 years as technical planning specialist at
Siemens in 1997. In 2000, he started as Production Manager at Webasto Thermo Systems and
became deputy to Managing Director in 2004. In 2005, he returned to Siemens and became
manager of a preproduction factory consisting of four different manufacturing technologies. In 2010, he worked as a project manager in the project of relocation of Siemens Berlin Factory to Czech Republic. At the end of 2010, he became an entrepreneur and served as a supplier to electrical and automotive industry. He exported to Poland, Czech Republic, Germany and
China, made 4 R & D projects, two of which were commercialized, one of which was the best
in the world in it’s field.

In 2014, he became academician upon invitation to establish university-industry cooperation.
Dr. Doğan Hasan won the 1st prize in category of medium-sized enterprises in the 2016
Productivity Awards with his first project and so after 13 years of professional, 6 years of
industrialist entrepreneur and 3 years of academic experience he started with training and
consulting activities. After supporting projects of the Ministry of Industry and Technology to
increase productivity in SME’s, Dr. Doğan Hasan managed together with his team the
establishment, training, development and consultancy of model factories. By training trainers
of model factories and applying Learn&Transform pilot programs, developed consultants
within model factories in Bursa, then Kayseri, Gaziantep and Mersin model factories.

Within his training and consulting company UnoPro, he has been conducting several R&D projects and on of them is the Digital Model Factory, a model factory in VR platform, the first
one in the world of it’s kind.